There are lots of really poor quality oils out there; I should know, I used them for years. I began by making my own salves, lotions, cleaning supplies, and more as a young adult in college where I was super busy and buying them at random stores without really knowing what I was getting. When I first learned about doTERRA, I was 100% on board.
It met all my criteria that I put everything else in my life through (the quality of food I buy, businesses I like to support, etc.). Once I got my hands on the oils was when the real magic began. Sampling these side by side with the oils I’d been using for years was night and day. These oils are super high quality and the difference is felt instantly!
DoTERRA oils are sourced from where the plant flourishes, making sure the soil is healthy, harvested at the perfect time, distilled for the ideal amount of time at the perfect temperature – this leads to the highest quality essential oil. Plus! Every liter of essential oil is put through 27 tests, including several of those by 3rd party labs. With spec reports available on every batch.
Along with super high quality, I like that doTERRA is a company that gives back, especially to the communities that they are working on sourcing in. The mission includes working with women and children to improve so many lives. That's something I'm proud to support.
Anyone and everyone benefits from having these oils in their lives, pretty smells aside… they are the cleanest, purest, most tested and trusted (including by the medical industry) oils on the market in a highly unregulated industry. They simply work. And they work FAST. It’s pretty miraculous.
They are the highest quality, most ethically and sustainably sourced oils available and I can’t imagine life without them. I can’t wait for you to see for yourself the powerful benefits of adding these gems into your life!